Discussion: difficulty of championship races
Should a championship race be achievable by 80% of the entrants, or should it be designed to test everyone, even if that means the...

You're only cheating yourself
Why the fuck do you care then? No seriously, why? I recently ran the Windsor Spartan Beast, my 11th Spartan event, and only 3rd not in...

Being scared to be brave; Why I took on the Unknown
The Unknown is advertised as “an unrelenting series of mental and physical challenges [that will] test your willpower more than you had...

Tough Guy Vs. Tough Mudder
I'm sure we've all heard it before, when you tell people you do Obstacle Course Racing and they answer by saying “what, like Tough...

"Making the world a better place one obstacle at a time" George "The Gentleman"
George Before and After at Judgement Day Bordon, courtesy of Tom Barnes George Trotter, known to me and many others as the Gentleman OCR...